This is my first post of my MSU study abroad trip in Plymouth, UK!!
I can't believe that on only my second day here I feel as if I have learned so much about British culture and what it's like abroad. Overall, the people here have been extremely polite and well-mannered. There isn't a day that I don't hear a "Cheers" or a " 'Ere you go love". I can't help but compare the kind people here to my road rage-filled, workaholic, fellow Americans back at home.
A man I met at a pub even explained to me some of the rules of "football" during one of the games the other night. Overall, it's been a very enriching experience.
One thing that I've noticed that is especially different from America is the food. It's sometimes hard to keep the lingo here straight. For example:
Chips=French Fries
Mash=Mashed Potato's
Tomato Sauce=Ketchup (which seems to be very scarce here as compared to America. They literally only give you one small packet per meal!)
For last night's dinner I ordered my first official "Fish'n'Chips" from Plymouth. It was a lot different than I expected. First of all the fish was absolutely HUGE and laid atop an enormous plate of fries. I took a bite of the fish and thought it tasted really strong. I'm not sure how to describe it- but I'm sure this is what fish'n'chips is supposed to taste like and I am just used to the bad version of it back in the States. In the end I could only stretch my one ketchup packet for so long and couldn't finish my meal. It was a good experience, though. Even if I did get teased a bit by the couple sitting next to me about how I say the word "tomato", ha.
Until tomorrow, Cheers!
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