Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Phew what a day! The day started at about 5:30am. Everyone in my group took a 3 hour bus ride to see Stonehenge. It was awesome! The only downfall to the day was the TORRENTIAL downpour that never stopped. The pictures seemed to come out okay though, so that was good news!

Stonehenge was better than what I expected. Just knowing that where I stood today was where so much history has happened was insane to me. It was so rainy when I got there that I dropped my camera on the cement in front of Stonehenge but no worries it still works fine!

It's so crazy how all of those stones got there. It's still kind of debated as to how they did but that's the cool part! It was a very mysterious place. I also learned that across the field from Stonehenge are a bunch of massive grave sites. It was just a crazy very rememberable experience.

After Stonehenge we drove another hour to the city of Bath. Bath is where the Romans used to ...well bathe. It was kind of like a huge social gathering place for them. The city was full of buildings dating all the way back to the 1400s. It was amazing to see. The baths themselves were actually in really great condition. I took some great pictures and videos of them and even touched the water (even though I wasn't supposed to)! The water was really warm! Overall, it was a really great day. It's so hard to explain my experiences at these places because they are just so historic and's very hard to explain it when I could hardly believe I was standing there myself!

Tomorrow I will be observing a high school class in Plymouth. Should be pretty interesting!! I also have to get some work on my second project done so my blogs today and tomorrow will probably be a little shorter than normal!
I hope everyone had a great day!



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