Thursday, July 3, 2008

Socializing with the locals

Today was a great day! I finally got some GREAT videos and pictures of the tombstoners and even got to talk to a few of them. It's funny that when I was interviewing them, they thought I was from Australia for some reason.

I found out that the cops really don't do anything about tombstoning, aside from posting signs warning them of the "danger of death". The wet suits are worn because of the shock of the water is so intense (both the temperature and force of the water hitting your skin). They jump everyday apparently. I still have yet to find out what their parents think about them jumping.

Later on in the evening a few girls from class and I went to a local pub in Plymouth. We ending up spending about 5 hours chatting with some locals, who were great! We talked so much about how our culture and their culture compares and I feel we all learned a lot from each other. One of the guys we were talking to had even tombstoned before and was telling me all about that. He said the adrenalin rush is the greatest feeling ever; that's why so many kids do it.

Overall, I learned a lot about the English culture tonight and it was nice to finally sit down with some locals and finally have a heart -to-heart!


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